5 ways your intranet can help you celebrate a company anniversary
2021 marks our 20th anniversary for Sorce, it’s a huge milestone and one we are keen to celebrate. With everything being virtual at the moment, if you are like me, you might be wondering how you can celebrate your own company milestone now. Well, don’t panic, there are still lots of things we can do to celebrate with colleagues and external stakeholders. Here are some initial ideas and ways your intranet can help get you started.
If your intranet hasn’t been refreshed for some time and you’ve noticed your engagement levels tail off, use your company anniversary as an excuse to give it a new look and boost your engagement levels. A refresh is always a great way to generate interest. A new layout, colour palette and engaging new content will go down a storm.
At Sorce, we have updated our brand and refreshed our external website and intranet in readiness for our 20th anniversary year. We have adjusted our colour palette and logo to reflect the central role that intranets play in engagement and internal comms.
You don’t have to go to this extent, even refreshed intranet page layouts and new content are a great start to mark the occasion.
2. Get creative and take everyone on a trip down memory lane
Remember the TV show “This is your Life”? The famous red book, full of memories, would be given to a celebrity of the week. You can recreate the same virtually by creating an intranet page and inviting everyone to share their best memories and experiences of working for your organisation.
Colleagues could upload videos and photos. You could run polls on things that mean something to your business. If your organisation is large, you could create local pages for each office with a head office version.
Over time, you will build up a great memory bank of your colleagues’ best moments, to save for the next big anniversary.
3. Launch a new initiative
Here at Sorce we have launched a competition in which a UK charity can win an Engage intranet. We wanted to give something back to a sector that can do with all the help possible at the moment.
4. 20 ways to celebrate
Depending on how many years your business is celebrating, you could think of a number of activities that your colleagues could join in with over the coming year. For us its 20 to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
5. Take a moment to reflect
Write an article or create a video blog, just taking a moment to celebrate everything you have achieved and look forward at some of the new things planned. Many organisations forget to do this and focus on the party and the gifts. This year, in the absence of any parties, take time to remember and thank everyone who has helped you get to where you are today.
I hope you have found these useful to get started. Throughout the year we will be posting our own celebrations on our anniversary website page and I will share updates with you.