So, you are ready to start drafting your business case for the intranet. You have completed your intranet research, understand your end user requirements, you have researched your intranet options and have drafted your intranet governance structure.
Writing your intranet business case doesn’t have to be daunting, in fact it should be exciting as you can see the culmination of all of your hard work. Knowing what to include in your business case is important. Your intranet business case needs to be informative, concise and contain everything you need for your Sponsor and Board to make a decision based upon the information you provide.
A successful intranet business case makes sure the following key areas are covered:
- Business Requirements
- Intranet Opportunities
- Potential Supplier
- Timescales
- Governance
In addition to these key points you need to cover costs, risks and mitigation.
It's important to state that you don't need to write this all at once. You may well have already drafted components of your intranet business case already. Set aside time in your diary and get started!
1. Intranet Business Requirements
This section is where you state what you are trying to achieve by revamping your organisations intranet and where possible link your intranet requirements to broader corporate objectives. This will all help in securing support for your project.
It's also a good idea to start to set expectations, so clearly state the remit of the project from the outside, what you envisage it does and doesn't include.
2. Intranet Opportunities
This is where you can shine and give a summary of all of the research you have undertaken. Findings from your stakeholder interviews, surveys and platform statistics. Highlight all of those great pieces of insight that you think strengthen your business case.
3. Potential Supplier
You will have been intranet shopping and have a good idea of what type of intranet is right for your business. This is where you include your pitch for your preferred supplier and include concise reasons as to why they are the right supplier for your organisation.
4. Timescales
No business case is complete without an illustrative timeline based upon all things considered and your invaluable insight as to how your organisation works. To add further value this is where you might want to state the resources you think are needed to deliver.
5. Intranet Governance
This is an important area to think through thoroughly. You may already have a structure in place that works, or it may mean introducing a new way of working.
I hope this has given you a starting point and lots to think about. To help you further you can download our free how to guide and intranet business case template. Here at Sorce we’ve experienced hundreds of intranets of all shapes and sizes and are skilled at helping uncover opportunities to improve engagement and business processes.
As intranet software and consultancy providers our software powers the intranet and extranet for hundreds of organisations. Our clients cover a wide range of sectors from finance to manufacturing, not for profit organisations (such as charities and housing associations) as well as local authorities and other public sector agencies.