Paula Darch 21 November 2016 5 min read

The Importance of Future Proofing Your Intranet

Often, an organisation's decision to invest in a new intranet solution is to address existing and pressing issues. Their biggest concern is fixing the immediate problem(s). These could be anything from improving engagement, communicating company news or simply locating documentation more easily. This blog sets out 2 crucial reasons to plan beyond the current issues and think about the bigger picture. The second part of this blog will set out 5 practical steps that your business can take to ensure you future-proof your intranet. For more information on managing your intranet project, download our free guide.

Whatever the initial reason for investing in a new intranet, it is rare that an organisation has considered resolving problems beyond the ones they are facing right now. Consequently, their choice of intranet software will be geared toward their immediate needs, and may result in the purchase of a boxed product.

1. Growing with the business

Although boxed products have their advatages, failing to plan for the future has repurcussions. Due to the rigid nature of a boxed product, it won’t offer the flexibility to adapt in years to come and as business needs change, the site will need to be adapted or even replaced.

Instead, I always discuss with potential clients how a company intranet can continually evolve with the business. Having an intranet that is built on a flexible platform may not seem like a priority right now, but as requirements change over time, a future-proofed solution will adapt and grow with organisation.

2. Continual funding

Future proofing is not just about ensuring your end user's requirements are continually met, it is also about ensuring continual investment and support for your intranet. Many organisations secure one off funding for a new intranet but then struggle to secure additional funding. Choosing a solution that responds to ever-changing needs resolves this.

So how can you future proof?

Below, I have set out 5 things your organisation can consider, and steps you can carry out, to ensure your intranet solution is able to respond to the future needs of your business.

1. Understand your end user requirements and future direction of the business

Take the time to fully understand what the requirements are and what end users would like to see. Although their suggestsion may not be a priority right now they might become more relevant in the future. 

2. Prioritise developments

Prioritising and phasing developments in order of importance will not only help you to manage your resources but also enable you to ensure your intranet is robust and is successfully meeting the needs of the business.

3. Phase developments

Phasing developments also enables you to demonstrate the continual budget investment needed and the benefits of doing so. It’s also a great way of keeping interest for your company intranet.

4. Bi-annual reviews

Schedule continuous reviews whereby you evaluate your company intranet’s performance and identify and new developments that need to be scheduled in.

5. Communicate with end users

Ensure you communicate with your end users and keep them up to date with developments and to gain feedback about the intranet. 

I hope you have found this useful. If you are reviewing your intranet and are keen to find out more, get in touch with us to ask questions, book a personalised demo or attend one of our Showcase events. If you are interested to see how other organisations achieved intranet success, download one of our case studies