Paula Darch 27 March 2020 6 min read

Creative ways to help your team during lockdown

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We are well into our first week of lockdown and if you are like me, with children at home, its been a challenging week, juggling work and home schooling. I switch between being a Redcoat entertainer, to teacher, to marketeer throughout the day.

During my working day (which starts early these days!) we are finding ways to creatively stay in touch and boost morale throughout the working week. I thought I would share some of the best with you as ideas you could try with your own team.

1. Virtual Lunches


We hook up each lunchtime via Teams to see each other and see what’s going on in our worlds. This week it’s been a bit like the great TV classic, Through the keyhole as we are taken on tours of each-others houses and workspaces. There is no pressure to join in, just as and when people are free and want to connect.

2, #LunchtimeDistraction


We have coined this hashtag on our intranet, and we post images or videos of what we do during our lunch or free time. From creating structures, to singing, to walking it's another great way of keeping us all connected and giving mutual support.

3. Video Updates from our MD


Perhaps not the most original idea, but the most appreciated by all of us. Our Managing Director, John Nicklin posts video updates every other day, keeping us going and checking in on our mental health, offering support and business updates.

4. Getting the Children Involved
nick-1(Portrait of one of our Intranet Success Managers, painted by 7 year old Bella Darch)

There are times when video calls happen during school time and we just have to roll with it and do the best we can. Some of us have got our children involved painting portraits of colleagues on the video call! It’s a great way to let your children have some outside interaction and great for your colleagues too! Seeing your intranet full of portraits is great fun and great engagement.

5. Friday is Fri-Yay Cocktails!

Each Friday we all join a video call for Company Cocktails. We dress up, we chat and share the highlights of our week, whilst smiling at everyone’s attire. A great way to finish the working week.

6. Virtual Bingo


If like many households, you invested in a bingo machine at Christmas to alleviate family tensions, this is a great time to get it out. Take a photo of the bingo cards and send them to colleagues and live stream a bingo session!

I hope these have given you some ideas to help lighten your day and connect with your colleagues. I think after all of this has passed, we will know each other a lot better, be more supportive and be more open with how we are feeling at work and at home. We will also have found some very innovative uses for our intranets!

You may have some great ideas you’d like to share with us. Please write them in the comments.

If you need help with your intranets during this time of business disruption, please get in touch. We might be doing all these creative things, but first and foremost we are still delivering outstanding intranets and supporting UK businesses through these challenging weeks. If you would like to speak with us please call 01635 551777 or email