Paula Darch 30 January 2018 6 min read

Why you need to audit your intranet content


Intranet audits are essential to understanding just how your end users have been using your intranet, what they have been using it for and any challenges they have faced. As part of an intranet audit you should make time to review the content held on your intranet and elsewhere. To find out about this and more, download our free intranet guide.

It’s a great idea to make time to review content as you will be able to see most used and missing content and who is accessing the most content on a regular basis. It helps to highlight employee engagement and also frequency of content contribution and collaboration. 

How to undertake an intranet content audit in 5 steps: 

1) The first thing you need to do is create content piles or ‘map’ your content. Essentially this involves creating an inventory of all the information that your organisation currently holds. This information can be stored anywhere and doesn’t need to exist on your intranet right now. It could be paperwork stored in a filing cabinet, or electronic documents on an individual’s computer. 

2) When you are cataloguing your content, ask yourself these questions: 

  • What content do we have?
  • How do we access it?
  • What is the quality of the content?
  • Do we want to keep and this content?
  • Which content will be transferred to the intranet?
  • What do we need to get rid of?

3) It is best to document all of your existing content in a spreadsheet to make it easier to analyse later.  For more information on uncovering intranet opportunities, check out our range of downloadable guides.

4) When you have finished listing all your existing content, you will be able to review this in light of any stakeholder interviews or surveys you have also undertaken. You may want to sit down with colleagues from particular teams and chat through how they use or do not use certain areas of content. 

5) Once you have reviewed all of your content you will be able to identify the information that is current and should remain on your intranet. You will also be able to identify content that is no longer required and either archive or destroy it, in conjunction with team contributors. 

I hope you have found this blog useful in illustrating how you can get started with your own intranet content audit. How often do you review your intranets? Please let us know by leaving a comment.

If you would like to read more about how you can undertake your own intranet content audit, please get in contact by emailing or contact us on 01635 551777.