Paula Darch 6 min read

How to maintain intranet engagement

sIntranet engagement is key to increasing business productivity, employee collaboration and morale. Although high intranet engagement is often achieved when an intranet is initially launched, the real challenge is maintaining continuous engagement once the novelty wears off. This blog sets out 5 simple suggestions for how to secure continuous engagement.

1. Intranet steering groups

An intranet steering group (sometimes known as an intranet team, committee, review panel or advisory group) is a group of people who come together to provide input on the progress of an intranet project. Headed by an Intranet Manager, the Committee will draw together knowledge and experiences, from each area of the organisation, to guide the development of the intranet.

Expectations of Intranet Managers continue to grow as the scope of the intranet grows. To encourage engagement, maximise your Intranet's potential and ease the burden on Intranet Managers, create an 'Intranet Team'. This Team should include external representatives, intranet ambassadors, marketers, researchers and tech experts. By expanding the groups remit to include specialist skills, the intranet steering team transforms into a collaborative working group, bringing fresh ideas and expertise which will help with morale, content planning and exciting new developments.

2. Launch strategy

Launching a new intranet tends to be supported by a carefully crafted intranet launch strategy with lots of exciting promotion to let everyone know about the intranet launch. Alternatively, you could consider a 'less is more' option which enables employees to discover the new intranet for themselves and find out new ways of working through exploration and discovery. Arguably, this independent option might result in a more engaged workforce than a solution that is excessively broadcasted. 

3. Element of fun

Empowering your colleagues to easily contribute, comment and express their feelings through the intranet is a great way for them to be recognised and encourage engagement. Allow an element of fun to seep into your intranet; your content intranet governance policy should outline what is and isn’t acceptable in terms of content, but let your colleagues have fun with the new intranet and think about how you could get the ball rolling. Consider utilising social media, celebrating employee birthdays and promoting social events through your intranet to ensure a good work-play balance. 

4. Accessibility  

The key to a successful intranet is a platform that allows information to be found quickly and easily. Enabling colleagues to pin favourite content, find contacts easily, connect and collaborate are sure ways to nurture high levels of engagement.

5. Feedback
Don’t underestimate the value of feedback. Asking what colleagues think about the intranet is crucial for future development and it shows that you value their feedback. If you have launched a new intranet, frequent feedback and opportunities for comment are essential. Utilise your steering group and encourage feedback and ideas for development. This will involve your workforce and encourage engagement.

I hope this blog has given you some ideas about how you could create ongoing enthusiasm and engagement with your intranet. Your intranet is the first thing colleagues will see every morning. Exceed their expectations and listen to their feedback to ensure your intranet is as effective as possible. For more help and advice, search our intranet insight for free learning resources you can access and download.