Paula Darch 12 July 2016 4 min read

How to Define Your Intranet Objectives

Intranet Objectives

The first step of an intranet project is to define your intranet objectives, which in turn, will form part of your business case. While an intranet survey can help you identify areas to improve, more businesses are using stakeholder interviews to get a clear insight into intranet goals and objectives. In this blog I’m going to show you how you can use stakeholder interviews to achieve this. 

Stakeholder interviews do exactly what they say. They give you the opportunity to interview key individuals that are involved or affected by your intranet project. In addition to giving you ideas, it also gives you the chance to explain your vision for the intranet and how this relates to the objectives of the business.

When you start interviewing you will need to give people context, explain what you are trying to achieve and why. This is especially important if your stakeholder has not yet bought into the idea or is unfamiliar with the benefits intranets can provide. 

Ask them questions about their role, focusing on the tasks they perform and the people they interact with. Try to avoid talking about solutions to the problems they are facing, instead let them help you define these issues. You will then be able to turn these problems into your intranet goals and objectives. 

An important aspect of the interviews is that you can’t treat everyone the same by asking the same questions. Try to understand what matters to them, what are they measured on, incentivised by or value. Look for ways to improve this and align your intranet goals and objectives.  

We have an abundance of information on how to conduct a stakeholder interview, including questions to ask as well as how you go about writing up the feedback you receive. If you are looking to use these goals and objectives within a business case, we have this too – simply download our business case guide.