Intranet Insights

Why do intranets fail? (Part Three)

Written by Martyn Green | 31 August 2012

In my last two posts I covered intranet objectives, budget and timescales. I also discussed why selecting the right leaders for an intranet project is vital.

In the last of my three part series I will cover why the project’s continuing success doesn’t end with implementation.

Lack of ownership

A common pitfall I’ve encountered with organisations is a lack of time being invested into the initial set up and ongoing maintenance of intranet content.

Every department needs to recognise the importance of keeping intranet content fresh and up to date, and for this reason should provide the time and resources to do this.

A content owner should be allocated for each department who is responsible for the maintenance of individual pages. Writing for the intranet is very different to writing for the web, so all regular content contributors should be sufficiently trained in how to create engaging copy.

No long term intranet strategy

Once your intranet’s up and running you can sit back and enjoy the hard work you’ve put in right? Wrong. This is just the beginning. A successful intranet is one that is viewed as a continuously evolving business tool.

One of our existing clients, a legal firm has recognised this, regularly gathering staff feedback. This has enabled them to ensure content is relevant as well as make alterations to layout and structure where necessary.

Planning a long term strategy is just one of the practical activities that we cover in our ‘Delivering a successful intranet course. By walking you through an Affinity Analysis, we show you how to split your implementation into phases so you can focus on some quick wins as well as longer term successes.

If you’re looking for a methodical approach to your intranet project, we’re running our next two day course in September.

What are your top tips for ensuring your intranet project succeeds? Post your comments below.